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Clubs and Activities

All students are encouraged to join our rich programme of extra-curricular activities and this is recognised through our rewards scheme.

Students can take part in activities and performances in lots of different areas, from dance, drama and music, through to a host of other, less conventional, opportunities offered from the Carnegie Book Award Shadowing Group to Tae Kwan Do.

Physical education is an important part of the curriculum for all students and we are committed to the philosophy of “Sport for All”. We believe in developing excellence and the value of competitive sport, but we also seek to instil an appreciation of the enjoyment and health benefits that a life-long involvement in physical activity can bring.

As a Specialist School in the Visual and Performing Arts, we believe that everyone can achieve in the Arts, everyone should be given the opportunity to enjoy the Arts and the Arts provide an excellent opportunity for developing teamwork, communication and social skills.

There are many opportunities for all students, of any age or ability to engage in a wide range of art, dance, drama and music extra-curricular activities. In addition, many students enjoy participating in school productions such as year 7 production, main school production and sixth-form pantomime, both on stage and behind the scenes.

Typical opportunities for students are as follows: