The Pastoral Structure
Pastoral Care at Larkmead
Positive pastoral care is at the heart of Larkmead School. Every student is known and cared for as reflected in the Larkmead Promise and feedback from Ofsted:
The Larkmead Promise: Larkmead is a happy, caring community with high expectations and ambitions for everyone. Positive behaviour for learning and consistency support everyone to follow our simple, sensible rules. With our great tutors, Pastoral Support and Learning Support Departments, you’ll know that we are here for you when you need support and advice, that we believe in you and we’ve got your back. Being ‘ready, respectful and safe’ means you will be happy, secure and thrive, and petting staff dogs around the school brings a sense of calm and puts a smile on your face.
Ofsted feedback
- “The stimulating and caring ethos in the school enables pupils to make strong progress and achieve well.”
- “Pupils behave very well at the school. They are kind and respectful towards each other and their teachers.”
- “Pupils’ well-being and personal development, including their mental health, have a high priority and are very well catered for at your school.”
- “A dedicated and highly skilled team of staff works with determination and sensitivity, alongside pupils, parents and external agencies, to support the more vulnerable pupils. All staff monitor pupils’ welfare closely. Pupils told inspectors staff are approachable and they know an adult they can turn to if they have concerns.”
An Assistant Head Teacher and a team of Directors of Learning oversee each key stage. Key Stage 3 covers Years 7, 8 & 9 and aims to lead students through their first experiences of secondary education, while Key Stage 4 covers Years 10 & 11, the last two years of compulsory education for all students, before they embark on sixth form, college or work placements
Each Director of Learning works closely with their tutor team to ensure that all students are happy at school and making good academic progress. They aim to develop close links and understanding between students, their parents and the teachers. Each student is a member of a tutor group (normally around 26-30 students), and remains in that group throughout Years 7 to 11. In most cases, the tutors move up the school with the students so that there is continuity of care and accumulated knowledge of each individual over a period of five years.
The Pastoral Support Department or ‘Stepping-Stones’ aims to support young people in all aspects of pastoral care: supporting students who have vulnerabilities; working closely with Directors of Learning and external agencies; and providing a link between ‘school’ and parents in a friendly environment.
Structure of the Pastoral Team
- Head of KS3: Ms Watkins
- Head of KS4 and KS5: Mr Crowe
- Director of Learning Year 7: Ms Upjohn
- Director of Learning Year 8: Mr Beer
- Director of Learning Year 9: Mrs Murphy
- Director of Learning Year 10: Mrs Pospieszalski
- Director of Learning Year 11: Mr Williams
- Director of Learning and Head of the Sixth Form: Mrs Knott
- Pastoral Support Team: Mrs Hoyle and Mrs Carlin