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Parental Contact

As a school we recognise that regular communication between home and school is an important element in safeguarding and supporting the personal and academic development of all students.



For urgent matters relating to the safeguarding of any student in Larkmead School contact should be made via the safeguarding email address.  These messages will be assessed and actioned on the day of reporting.



For matters relating to the wellbeing and behaviour of a student, ​​​​parents and carers should use the relevant tutor group email address.  You will need to know your child's tutor group to use this function.  Contact email addresses are of the form "contact" + <formgroup> + ""

e.g.   or

These emails will be normally be addressed within 24 hours of receipt and assessed for appropriate action.  Please note that your child's contact email address will change each academic year as your child moves year group.


Year 7


Year 8

Mrs J Murphy

Year 9

Miss J Pospieszalski 

Year 10

Mr G Williams 

Year 11

Mr A Beer

Year 12 & 13

Mrs M Knott

7P (Kd) 

Miss C Kennedy 

8P (Re) 

Ms C Rees* 

(Mr A Hutton)

9P (Pr) 

Mrs E Prior 

10P (Br) 

Mr A Barber 

11P (ALe) 

Mr A Lee  

P (Hwt) 

Ms B Hewitt 

7G (Tr) 

Mr C Tucker 

8G (Gn) 

Ms J Green* 

9G (Li) 

Miss S Lewis 

10G (Ce) 

Mrs F Crews 

11G (Hy) 

Mrs C Hussey 

G (Ad) 

Mr Adams  

7R (ARy) 

Miss A Ray 

8R (OMs) 

Mr O Morris 

9R (Ma) 

Mr S McKavanagh 

10R (Me) 

Miss L McLoone 

11R (Km) 

Mr C Kirkham 

R (RCl) 

Mr R Cole 

7D (AHr) 

Ms A Hooper 

8D (KPe) 

Ms K Pike 

9D (Rt) 

Mr J Roberts 

10D (Gz) 

Miss S Gillaizeau 

11D (GRs) 

Mr G Ricketts 

D (Ss) 

Mr H Stevens 

7W (VLn) 

Miss V Leaman 

8W (MVt) 

Mrs M Vincent 

9W (So) 

Miss H Simmons

10W (Mc) 

Mrs G McAuley 

11W (Pw) 

Ms S Power 

W (Ph) 

Ms A Phillips 

7M (Fy)

Ms S Freethy*

8M (MHs)

Mr M Hiorns



11M (BBs)

Mrs B Bidois

*Some sessions taken by other staff



For all other matters please use the Larkmead School email address naming the individual member of staff you want your message forwarded onto.  For example, if there is an issue relating to a specific homework, then please name the subject teacher you wish the email to go to.  These emails will normally be assessed and actioned in school within 48 hours.



For matters relating to attendance, please continue to use either the school email address or telephone the school on 01235 520141 and press option1.  Matters relating to attendance need to be communicated before 9.30.a.m. 


Where an email dialogue has begun with a specific member of staff, please continue to communicate with them directly. For any new communication, please use the appropriate email address listed above.