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Open Events 2024



We look forward to welcoming children and families to our Open Evening to share our school with you.

Our recent Ofsted visit was our third Good inspection in a row. The report highlights Larkmead’s high aspirations, expectations, ethos and culture, alongside our strengths in behaviour, careers education, curriculum, leadership, pastoral care, personal development, safeguarding, sixth form and teaching & learning. 


  • This school is a very happy and inclusive place because, as one parent said, pupils ‘are at the heart of what Larkmead does’.
  • Pupils are polite and respectful with staff and each other.
  • Pupils feel safe and ‘seen’ here.
  • Pupils are very clear that the school does not tolerate bullying or prejudicial behaviour.
  • The school’s caring ethos ensures it maintains its high expectations, both academically and personally, while also continuing to provide strong support to pupils.
  • The school is aspirational for all pupils academically.
  • Staff manage behaviour very effectively, through clear expectations and positive relationships with pupils.
  • Most pupils behave extremely well, both in lessons and during social time.
  • Sixth-form students are excellent role models.


We are as every grateful for the support of parents, reflected in the Ofsted Parent Survey.


Best wishes

Jonathan Dennett
