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  • Sixth Form Open Evening - 11 November 2021 – Main Hall

    Published 13/10/21

    Event runs from 17.45-18.45. Headteacher talk at 18.00hrs. No requirement to book

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  • Return to School in September

    Published 20/07/21


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  • Free songwriting Workshops

    Published 17/05/21

    The Tune Factory, a Resonate Project for young people aged 12–16.

    The Tune Factory explores the craft of songwriting in all pop genres from Rock ’n’ Roll to Hip Hop where we will look at how songs are made, from sparks of inspiration to the construction of lyrics, rhythms, and melodies, to the mechanics of production

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  • Larkrise 2nd Hand Uniform Sale

    Published 06/05/21

    Larkrise 2nd Hand Uniform Sale

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  • Return to Larkmead 2/3/2021

    Published 04/03/21

    Return to Larkmead School

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  • Letter to parent and carers 1/3/21

    Published 01/03/21
    1/3/21 Dear students, parents and carers, We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back to Larkmead following the government announcement that students will return to schools from 8 March. We are committed to helping everyone settle back in
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  • Remote LEarning

    Published 25/01/21

    Remote Learning

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  • 6th Form open event

    Published 31/12/20

    Larkmead School 6th Form Open Evening - 11/11/2020

    At Larkmead we are particularly proud of the all-round education that our students enjoy. Our aim is that all students will leave Larkmead Sixth Form with excellent academic outcomes,  emotional intelligence and the skills needed for them to be successful in the next stage of their life, whether that be in higher education, further study, apprenticeships or employment.

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  • Q&A Session with Carnegie Medal Winner 2020, Anthony McGowan

    Published 11/11/20

    What a treat!

    Larkmead Students welcomed Anthony McGowan back to Larkmead School.

    Yes! It was Anthony’s second visit here (albeit virtually this time!).

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